Change can crush productivity,
morale and revenue.

Support your team and your success with
Cirrus Change Readiness.

Learn how to prepare your
team for change

Every team can be ready for change.

If their leaders prepare them.


What we do

The Cirrus Change Readiness platform helps organizations master change with its four phase plan.

Are you ready to:
- Get your team on board with the change and keep them there?
- Learn key team dynamics that impact change?
- Empower your team with change competencies?

Change competencies are for the coming decades what basic computer skills were for the 80s and 90s. These skills will define who grows and who goes.


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How we do it

Our platform:

Identify your teams’ strengths and weaknesses as they relate to the change project.

Provide customized take-action steps so leaders can manage risks.

Educate leaders on essential tactics for digital transformation.

Provides change-team members actionable techniques to support the change.

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We help you identify areas of risk before they impact your project

Phase 1:
Assess your needs

Our analytics show your team's risks and strengths for a coming change. The Cirrus Change Readiness Assessment provides take-action steps to keep your team on track.

Phase 2:
Prepare the team and sponsors

Our tools, quizzes, training and workspace make your team change-ready. Your leaders will be able to identify, address and track change issues.

Phase 3:
Support the change

Track alignment and issues with the Cirrus Change dashboards.

Phase 4:
Reinforce the change

Cirrus pulse-surveys and dashboards track attitudes, issues and alignment as the change matures.

What is Quality Matters?

Quality Matters is the global organization leading quality assurance in online and innovative digital teaching and learning environments.

The Cirrus Change Accelerator met QM's rigorous standards for continuing education for business leadership.

Is your team ready to change?
Find out with tools that educate, measure, analyze & advise.
Start your project off right- sign up for the Cirrus Change Readiness checklist of best practices. It's free. And losing value is expensive.
Start Now